
Késő-reneszánsz táncok Magyarországon
Allemande Smedelijn (1571 ) : Trio: Allemande D'anvers
Branle de la suitte du Contraint legier(1583 ) : Trio: Hungarian folksong
Branle de Bourgoigne (1583 ) : Trio: Allemande
Townfolk's Dance (1541 )Nicolaus Cracoviensis
Allemande (1571 ) : Trio: Branle de Bourgoigne
Heyduck Dances (1592, 1590, 1598, 1592 )
Dances from the 16th century : Trio: Pezzo Tedesca
Ungarescha (1583 ) : Trio: Ungerischer Tanz (1562 )Jacob Paix
Ballo ongaro (1620 )Giovanni Picchi
Allemandes (1550-1555 ) : Trio: Branle de Champaigne
Villanella (1576 )Jacob Regnart; translated by Bálint Balassimagyar nyelven
Dances from the Vietórisz Tablature (17th century ) : Chorea sponsa ; Shoulder-Blade Dance ; Pergamasca ; Michael Praetorius: Courrante de monsieur de Terme (1612 )
Dances from the Lőcse Virginal Book (17th century ) : Choreae
Dances from the Sopron Virginal Book (17th century ) : Dance from the Transylvanian Court ; Hungarian Dances
Dances from the Tablature of János Kájoni (17th century ) : Choreae ; Chorea: Song of the Havas Plain ; Varied Dance ; Dance of Lázár Apor - Dance of István Apor - Dance of Kelemen Mikes